Thursday, November 20, 2008

free van

Hey everyone! I am so excited about what God is doing at HRC! We have the privelege of giving away a van to a family in our church who is desparetly in need of a vehicle. We are working with a number of local business and a program called "Recycled Rides" in order to make this happen. On December 18, 2008 we will give away (free of charge) a van to the Zamudio family. Check out the link to read more!
And, I will look for your comments!


S-Minister said...

So, let me make sure I understand this....

You've been "praying the H.A.R.V.E.S.T" over our congregation.

Praying for "A", or assets, means you are praying for our financial "A"ssets.

If I connect the dots, I'm thinking that this van is a direct answer to prayer.

On another note, I got almost $200 more in my paycheck today than I was expecting, and although I haven't seen the paystub yet to know IS DEFINITELY money that I was not expecting to have.

Thanks for the prayer!

Tommy B said...

I think this is one of the best acts of kindness I have seen. I remember growing up dirt poor and my dad losing jobs because of car troubles. We grew up in Chicago, so it wasn't as bad, due to Chicago Public Transportation, but living out here in NW Indidana that could be a major challenge. So I am glad to see someone not have to worry about that issue, because I remember how many fights it caused between my parents growing up.


Pastor Mike said...

OK - the van will be given away THIS Thursday at 2pm - how cool how God works!!!

Pastor Mike said...

we will be receiving the van in one hour... and then giving it to the fmaily this Sunday (12/21) at Harvest Ridge Church!