I must say that I have a level of concern regarding our new president elect. My concern is in the moral future of our country. I see that Obama has been pro same sex marriages and pro abortion. I am sure that senator Obama and I have other moral conflicts.
Sometimes there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel when the USA elects a democratic president as we think about our economy. This time around - I do not think the answer will be provided by a political party. And f it were - the price we pay in moral compromise to relieve some of our countries debt is NOT worth it.
Here is my challenge to believers! Pray for President Elect Obama. Pray that his heart will be sensative to God! Pray for him to exercise God-given wisdom. Pray for our country! I recently received an email asking us to pray for our president elect from election day to inauguration. Join me in this challenge!
Remember that the hope of our country is not in Obama, democrats, republicans, money, dreams, or anything thing else... except for one thing. The hope of our country is in the Lord! So, call on Him!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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At the office today, I was asked many times what I thought about the election of Mr. Obama to the Presidency.
Anticipating this would be the case, I prepared some thoughts in my head before going to work today. As these conversations arose, I was able to address them in this fashion:
"I am a Christian, a follower of Christ. I voted my conscience on Tuesday. My belief in Christ causes me to view the world from a particular angle, and, as such, I believe that Barack Obama is ordained to lead our country at this time. It is my responsibility to pray for him and to do all I can to do the right thing."
People seemed pretty well satisfied with that answer...even the ones who understand my world view.
Mike...I commit to pray along with you through Inauguration Day.
Good post. Like many Christians, we were also disappointed in the election results. It is mind boggling to know how many Christians voted for Obama. Knowing his policies and views and spiritual background I find it amazing. But we are witnessing a new-age Christian way of thinking where Christians will list abortion as just one of many issues. Not really more important than the myth of global warming. It's frightening.
But in the end, I agree that what true believers need right now is not to sulk or complain, but get fired up and pray like never before. This is a wake up call to not only pray for Obama but the believers who voted for him.
I first would like to start off by saying that I am attempting to live my life as a devoted Christian. It has been a long time since the last time I have "given God a chance to be in my life." I am truly lost and need God's mercy to guide me.
Okay, that said, I have to admit that I was truly angry at the thought of Obama being our president and almost blew a gasket on election day. What I have to say is my confession on the election and hopefully sharing my true feelings help me heal and deal with this in a Christian manner.
I truly hate the fact that a black man with a muslim name is our president. He not only associates with domestic terrorists and very vile people, but he also leads a party that wishes to silence the Christian voice in our politics. The same Christian voice that I have turned to to help save my life. I served in the army and he will sit down without condition with leaders of countries such as, Iran and North Korea.
Well, that was how I felt then. I am still angry and can feel the anger just below the surface, but I will pray for Obama with you Pastor Mike. I think that is what Jesus would want from me.
I hope this wasn't offensive, I wasn't trying to offend. I do have trouble with expressing myself when it comes to these issues without sounding harsh or bigoted, but my goal here is only to open up and share with people my wish that I can one day lead a Christian life, whatever that is.
Thomas Blevins
(Sorry we missed Bible study, we didn't get home from work in time to make it)
I just wanted to provide some of my own views on this topic.
"But we are witnessing a new-age Christian way of thinking where Christians will list abortion as just one of many issues."
I agree with that statement, but I think you may be generalizing a bit. I personally believe that abortion and capital punishment are evil. SO where do I fall between pro-life when both candidates are in some aspect pro-choice? I will have to take that issue as neutral for both candidates. I believe that true believers look at abortion and capital punishment. In order to win we need to be voting for people like Ron Paul (I supported through the primaries), the only true pro-lifer. This is the man that proposed the Sanctity of Life Act, an act that would have overturned Roe v Wade. That would have made it constitutional to ban death in general. Why it was not passed, because politicians label themselves and not act why not vote for action? I will say to keep voting out people that lie to us until someone will take action. Unfortunately, that means that we sometimes would vote for someone that does not match at first. Currently, we are not happy ever but keep voting ~90% of these people back in. If the person running is worse, but the current person did not deliver vote him out anyway to make a point until these REPRESENATIVES actually start representing us.
This may have us vote for a person we do not believe, but we have only two choices if people do this enough maybe we will start fixing our government because it shows that we care. Keep throwing them out until they start getting the point.
Rev. Mike:
Please refer to Obama's stance as what it is pro-choice. Pro-abortion is something he is also against (limiting the abortion rate). Obama is a very bright man and sees that the Supreme Court ruled on a law that was constitutional refer to the wording of the 14th amendment. The only way we can get rid of abortion is by creating an amendment/act from congress such as the Sanctity of Life Act. I believe in the original structure of our government. I do not believe in judges that legislate from the bench from either side of the fence democrat or republican If we want to change it the people have the change it not our judicial branch, hence, my stance about voting out our representatives. Since I believe that Bush has a good heart I believe the same with Obama as you said “Pray that his heart will be sensative to God!” I hope that all our officials we elect have the same prayer regardless of your thoughts. I hope it is not implied: pray for obama because he needs it more than Bush or any official for that matter. I hope your Challenge to believers is for all elected officials…
As for your statement “pro same sex marriages”, I believe you are ignorant to his actual stance since obama is against gay marriage. Again, he is for civil unions and against gay marriage. I agree with that stance since government should stay out of our personal lives. If you look at history many people came to the US to be free from persecution of religion. Some people in our society have the same right to be free of persecution even if it conflicts with our morals. I am sure the Quakers of England felt as the Gays in our society do today. Religious establishments, I feel we need not force our beliefs on society, but have society look at our lives and change on their own. If we live our lives as true Christians society will change on its own. I do believe that people have a right to practice the “Sinful” nature, but if we pray and lead our lives it will eventually be seen as such. Back to gay civil unions, I believe the state has no right to marriage, but has every right to provide the same but not equal right of Civil Union to gays. In other words I believe they should have the economic benefits, but are not blessed from god (Marriage). State civil unions are seen to me as an economic benefit not what we as Christians see as marriage or what I believe further in Catholic Marriage and why no Christian institution would marry against the moral foundations. Civil unions were meant for people that have different beliefs and do not hinder the meaning of marriage because marriage is completely different than civil unions (short explanation of my definition if you want to discuss this further feel free to email me).
I feel that Obama is a godly man. I am glad you will be praying for him as I hope you have prayed for George Bush. As you stated “the price we pay in moral compromise to relieve some of our countries debt is NOT worth it" I agree but do you think the people voted Obama because of money? I believe they voted for him because he wants people to disagree and find a middle ground. Something the current administration did not do in his 8 years. He is trying to protect us against terrorism by learning to talk and negotiate with people. He also is trying to move toward peace, charity and common good. As much as people disagree we all have to admit we are in a society of god to be able to make this choice in the first place. God gave us free will, and our current society allows us to exercise that free will sometimes good and sometimes bad. God loves everyone and as we start advent we all need to play and think about all the issues and how god will judge them as we all have a personal relationship with him. Be Alert he can come any time!
If you believe any party is for or against any religious institution I think you need to look at the last 8 years in which Ron Paul tried to pass Sanctity of Life Act. Congress was held by a party I assume you think are godlier for 6 years with a president that was against abortion. What was done? Nothing proving that a congress with a majority of people labeling themselves pro-life would vote down Sanctity of Life Act. No party wants to silence Christianity I do not see where you have drawn that conclusion, but as I mentioned in this post we all have to pay more attention to our politics and our representatives. Remember Labels are nice but actions speak more. One last thing, is it wrong to speak and negotiate with your enemy? We all have a seed of god on earth. No one is 100% evil since we all have some part of god in us. Is it really wrong to try? Remember Love is what god teaches us. How can we love if we never build some relationship (talk)
“ 1If I speak in the tongues men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love
- 1 Corinthians 13
Neither party is a true Christian party it comes to the least evil in our worldly eyes. Pray hard for everyone and you will see that much will turn for the better. Remember in god’s world there are no accidents. God turns everything to god. No matter you view of Obama remember that god is always there.
“I truly hate the fact that a black man with a [why was this needed]. He not only associates with domestic terrorists and very vile people [look up the facts a little more], but he also leads a party that wishes to silence the Christian voice in our politics. The same Christian voice that I have turned to to help save my life. I served in the army and he will sit down without condition with leaders of countries such as, Iran and North Korea. “
To "Catholic Chump"
You have already become a victim of the liberal society when you mention abortion and the death penalty in the same sentence. Do you understand the difference between the two? Abortion takes the life of an INNOCENT unborn human. No trial, no representation, no questions asked, guilty of NO crimes. The death penalty is applied to CONVICTED criminals who were tried in court, represented by counsel, filed appeals, and finally punished. Although there is valid debate on the death penalty, it in NO way shape or form is equivalent to abortion. I am one who is infuriated by Christians who don't have the courage to defend a poor innocent child but are quick to defend a convicted criminal or to protest the war where adults enlisted under their own free will.
You mention eight years of no compromise. Could it have been because the liberals fought Bush on every issue, every judicail appointment, etc. ?
Your writing and arguments lead me to believe you are still young, very influenced by media and blogs. As you grow in life and hopefully spiritually, you will not make such silly arguments including your gay marriage philosophy.
The Bible says it all. No matter how much people like yourself try and re-write it, it is what it is. Either you are a follower of Him, or you make your own rules as you go along. Today people seem to banter about the term tolerance. Yes Jesus preached tolerance, love, kindness, but all within His commandments and teachings. You cannot read the Bible out of context. It is a whole body of teaching.
Don't know you, but had to respond, especially when you claimed at one point Pastor Mike's ignorance. I don't think he's the one that is showing ignorance.
Roman J Sawczak
I am going to address your response paragraph by paragraph. First and foremost I do not consider myself a liberal progressive or conservative for that matter. If I have to label myself in any political means would be centrist. I assume you have missed the point of my whole rant. Capital punishment and abortion are both wrong period. I'm going to assume that I was not clear when I wrote the first response. I will be the first amendment may be my response did not present all the points that I really wanted to make and what was left for your interpretation was a correct one. Let me start by saying about the death penalty, capital punishment is evil. If you look at the statistical evidence, you'll find that there many people there will die INNOCENTLY from capital punishment that are truly guilty. As for the child I'm not debating whether or not abortion or capital punishment are evil or one is more evil than the other that's beside the point. On last point, if an innocent man or child is given death are they both innocent, regardless if done incorrect by the mother or by the sate it is the same in that case? If we do believe in Pro-life as I stated before, we should be voting for people like Ronald Paul that does not believe in either. Again people as I stated before we should be voting early to even prevent this argument in the first place. I believe Abortion and Capital Punishment both are wrong! My major point was has anything been really done during this administration?
As for your comment about “Could it have been because the Liberals fought Bush on every issue in every judicial appointment”? I love how people do not look at the full history of the situation. President Bush had six years of conservative majority in the House and Senate. Within those six years, one major act was discussed that would have ended this long debate. The act was called the sanctity of life this act was presented by Ronald Paul. Please take a hard look at our representatives do they really represent us? No, they don't on both sides of the fence they provide us with labels with false promises and lies. I for one do not want to overturn Roe versus Wade. I do not because it would be unconstitutional. As for my moral philosophy, I know abortion is wrong. But we have a system in place for a reason. The founding fathers of the United States of America created three branches of government. I feel VERY passionately that our judicial system has been tainted by politics. Justice is supposed to be blind, also justice adheres to the laws that the people make. That is why I am for an act to abolish abortion (by congress) but I am not for appointing judges to legislate from the bench that's not what our United States judicial system was meant to do. My moral reasoning is that the END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS. Look up slavery you will find congress (the people) wanted no slavery, but the president and the Supreme Court ruled differently.
I hope when you wrote “your writing and arguments lead me to believe you are still young, very influenced by the media and blogs”, was not trying to belittle me or show some sign of disrespect. Personally I do not have television the only thing that I read is what is provided online. If what you are saying that I am young and reference that I am ignorant I think anyone can be ignorant at any age. As for my gay marriage philosophy, I've already stated that I am against it. But I do not believe that our country was set up to oppress any group of people. I understand how you think that the argument that I pose is silly. Civil unions are not marriage. Civil unions are right given by the government for legal purposes. The state our government is ran by the people for the people. Our representatives should be representing the majority of the people in our society. I think that you are mistaking marriage, defined by institutions such as the church versus civil unions a legal mandate by the state. I'm also sure that people thought that slavery was perfectly legal at one point in our history. At that time they justified it because black people were not human. They justified it by using the Bible at the time, as you said using the Bible out of context. We are here on earth to do God's will. If some of these things are wrong is it hurting us? No, it is not hurting us will it hurt their salvation in the future? I don't know, only God can judge. Justice is made up of laws based on society. Society does not need to be morally correct. Religious institutions adheres too multiple kinds of philosophy such as the Bible have to abide by that. In Jesus time society wasn't correct. Today we are better than in Jesus time there many people that follow Christ. They follow Christ not because of the government not because of society. They follow Jesus because he speaks the truth society changed because people saw how we lived our lives. As I stated before, our acts will change society. We should not try to change society but just live our lives. The beautiful thing about living United States of America is that we can live our lives. Everyone in our society is able to speak out whether their philosophy clashes with my own or not. That is one great God-given right that we have here in the United States.
If you want to get mad or infuriated with anything. You should look at our government silencing people like Joel Osteen, Jocye Meyer, etc.. off the airwaves (I will be sending a petition about this to everyone I know please email electricyello@hotmail.com for more information about this). I do believe we are at war with extremist from all sides both in religion and in politics. We may disagree on the little things and our reasons to choose who we did, but we have the same goal in light. We all will be explaining to god about what we do.
I won't disagree with you one aorta about the Bible saying it all. What I don't understand in this last few paragraphs is how I misspoke. One I think that the point that I was making in calling Rev. Mike ignorant was only one sentence in which I was correcting the fact that President-elect Obama is not pro-gay marriage or pro-abortion. I did not change what is written I did not even reference other than Corinthians what is actually in the Bible. I have read the Bible many times I think that you're making an assumption that I am taking the Bible out of context. I grant that many people do take the Bible out of context but I for one do not. I don't understand the point you are trying to make in that paragraph.
Finally, I'm going to finish by presenting some other things that may have been misleading. One I am not saying that I am not defending a child I do not know where you have seen that or maybe it's implied indirectly but that is not what I meant. As for the reference that I made to Corinthians, it was addressing Tommy. My misunderstanding with Tommy, is why can we not speak to our enemy? Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek. Jesus also defines what love really is. What I get from that passage is that we also have to love our enemy. Sometimes I sit and think what if. What if we did not attack our enemy but instead show them kindness. I feel that hate breeds more hate war brings more war. We're at a point in our lives that the government is not what we're battling anymore. We are battling people that have no state. Questions that come to me when I reflect and pray, by hunting our enemy are we not just embolden the more? Are we not just providing more of a reason for them to continue the fight against us? God molds us, he creates every one of us differently. As you may disagree with what I have written. We both are on the same side can tell you with your correct or incorrect. I don't want to make this post a battle. How I look at this is that everyone in society contributes differently that's why God made each one of us differently. Maybe the best gift that God has given us is the gift that we do not agree that we do disagree, by failure by disagreeing I think good things still come out. If we lived in a world where we all agreed it would be a very dull place. I do want to end on a note that is positive note.
Chump, you feel the need to write many words to mask any shortcomings you may have on the issues.
In short, your message and "opinions" ring hollow.
The classroom is no substitute for real life experience.
Feel free to write another essay, but I mean no disrespect by not replying any longer.
God bless you and God bless America for your right to your views and opinions. I wish you and your family a happy and safe Christmas season.
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