Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Harvest Ridge Church Amazing Race


The Amazing Race commercial was shown on Sunday August 30. The verbal response has been overwhelming! I am so excited to show episode #1 this Sunday September 26. Come to church this week... and let me know what you think!

Also: check out my YouTube page to see the Amazing Race commercial... as well as some other great Harvest Ridge Church videos...


Thursday, July 30, 2009


In Scripture we read about a description of believers. This description is... LIGHT.

Light is a noun... and a verb (an action word)... And, as we are light in a "dark" world (of sin)... our lives become what sheds the truth, hope, and freedom that is found in Christ.

REMEMBER: If you are light... then your life is exposed. Don't let an exposed life deter you from being light in a dark world filled with sin.

Let the fact that an exposed life will keep you accountable to flee from sin! Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you!

So, fulfill one of your Biblical purposes... and BE LIGHT!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Message Response

As promised... here is my blog about the response to Sunday's message.

3 step response:
1) Prayer
2) Share
3) Take Care

The Prayer response was initiated yesterday. As you responded to the message, there was an opportunity to respond through prayer (up in front of the church... at the altar). If you did not respond this way on Sunday... or you have the desire to respond to God as He prompts you life... it starts with PRAYER.

The Share response helps to Solidify your action. The share response is your act of sharing your prayer commitment with someone else. As the Bible teaches... we are overcomers by the blood of the lamb (through Jesus) and through the word of our testimony...

The share response also provides an opportunity for accountability if you are serious. You can share your response with someone... and be accountable to them to carry out your response.

The Take Care response is your action of living out your response. During this part of your response you will write out an action plan. This plan will include habit changes, behavioral changes, attitude changes and more. For example, if God has provided freedom to you from a bad habit... then your action plan may include replacing that habit with a more productive habit.

I hope this helps you respond to God's movement in your life!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What I want for Father's Day is...

What I want for Father's Day is...

the fulfillment of my 4 children responding to God's plans for their lives. And, I want so badly to be a part of helping them fulfill God's plans!

I want to spend some time with each one of my kids today. This will be difficult since today is Sunday (and I am a pastor). We are taking a missionary out for lunch today. We are going to my dads this afternoon... But, I will make some time for my kids!

I want to pray for them... and I want to play with them.

I love being a dad. I love it that God planned for me to disciple 4 children that I can call mine! I thank the Lord for giving me the gift of Kimberly, my wife... who is a great wife and mom!

God is so good!

What do you want for Father's Day?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


When you pray and fast... you should do so with expectancy that God will move in your life!

Author Dave Williams points out some of the purposes of fasting:

- Increased prayer power

- Divine protection

- Physical healing

- Emotional and relational healing

- Intercession for friends

- Repentance and sorrow

- Seeking God for guidance or direction

With this in mind, when we fast and pray - we need to be asking God to reveal Himself in these ways.

Matthew 6:16-18 says:

16"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

The result of fasting will be a reward. This is why we fast and pray - for God to intervene. When you pray... expect answers.

Fasting and prayer is not like pulling the lever on a slot machine... where the money goes in, the lever is pulled, and we "hope" for 3 lemons. On the contrary! The prayer of faith is certain and full of great hope.

Remember... God does not answer complaint, or wishes. GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!

So, let's see our rewards:

1) to be close to God

I expect a great move of God in our congregation, in the families of Harvest Ridge Church, and in the lives of many people!

2) For guidance as Harvest Ridge Church takes our "Next Steps"

Thanks for fasting and praying for these rewards!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Fasting and prayer is life changing. I have heard many stories from people at Harvest Ridge Church who participated in last weeks all church Wednesday fast. Even though there were answered prayers... my favorite news about the fast was common... People shared with me how they felt so "close" to the Lord after the fast. Wednesday and Thursday proved to be great days in the presence of the Lord!

Let me encourage all of you to fast and pray tomorrow (5/13) as well. Seek the Lord, and be close to Him. Listen to hear His voice... and respond with immediate and complete obedience!

If you are unsure of What God is saying to you in a time of prayer and fasting... let me encourage you to continue in your prayer and fasting. Your immediate and complete obedience should take place AFTER you hear from God. Often times God will lead you in a different way than you first expect... But, it is always what is "best" for you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Living On Purpose

You often hear things said like, "God has a plan for your life" and "You have been designed for a purpose."
These statements are true. And I would like to share my heart about these and similar statement.

When I utter these statement, it is not a ploy to get people to do things at the church that need to be done. It is more of an encouragement to the church (of which YOU are a part of) to live on purpose.
If you were designed on purpose, may I suggest that you get rid of the things that distract you from walking in your purpose. Your time management is a reflection on how you prioritize the purpose of your life.

If you are watching 2.5 hours of TV a day, surfing the net 2.5 hours a day, and working a job... you may not be fulfilling your purpose.
But, if you are spending your time fulfilling your purpose - whether it is at work, in the neighborhood, or wherever you would be... then you will be more fulfilled in life. Life is not about SURVIVAL - it is about LIVING OP PURPOSE!
One example of this for me is this blog. I write this blog to encourage and challenge people who are in my life. Even though I am on the internet... my time spent is productive.

So, let me encourage you to be productive with your time.

Time is a tool that we hold in our hands that enables us to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. How will you use this the tool of time?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Spring is a wondersul time of the year. It is a beautiful display of God's creativity as we can see flowering trees, flowers coming up from the ground, lawns turning green, etc...

Spring shows a "newness" of life that is energizing and exciting. This season provides a word picture of sorts as we consider our own lives:
Are there signs of spring in your life?

Is there energy and excitement in your life? Are you following God's lead regarding the "new things" in your life?

Spring is a reminder to us that we too (as Christians) need to be growing! Spring is a time of growth. It is also a time of working the soil and planting.
So, do you need the spiritual soil of your life to be tilled? Do you need to plant some spiritual based seeds in your life? Do you need to grow?

It is my contention that there should be signs of growth in our lives as believers. So, receive this blog as an encouragement to consider if you are experiencing "measured" spiritual growth in your life...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Sunday (April19) I began a 3 week sermon series entitled "FOCUS." I have had several responses from people regarding Sunday's sermon. There is excitement in the air... and I am eager to share with you the other 2 sermons in this series... (for more info - visit www.harvestridgechurch.com).

God has a desire that we live a focused life - remembering what life is about: Glorifying God and serving people. That is why at Harvest Ridge Church we strive to "Develop Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ."

As we learned on Sunday - one of the ways we stay focused is through the commitment of prayer! I hope that this week YOU are in prayer. Are you asking? Are you seeking? Are you knocking?

I look forward to hearing what you have to say about how you are being more focused through prayer!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Change is necessary if we are going to grow closer to God!
I recently read 3 reasons why people resist change:

1) They feel it is imposed upon them (they become frightened)
2) They sense too much anxiety or fear (they become paralyzed)
3) They experience no sense of urgency (they become complacent).

These reasons are valid. That is why leaders must hear from the Lord as they lead people through change. Change in the church can not be based on a leaders opinion or feelings... it must be based on the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

This is a verse that helps us understand that God makes a way where there seems to be no way. But, in order to walk in God's plan we must do so through change (new things).

So, do not resist change - unless it is meaningless.... But, rather follow God's plans of purposed change so His will is accomplished in our lives!

Monday, April 13, 2009


It is amazing to me that as we pray and call on God that the events of our lives do not unfold as expected. However, even through unexpected events God grants us the desires of our heart as we follow Him! God has a supernatural way of making things better and more productive for us than we ever could have imagined.
Even when circumstances stand in opposition to our hopes and dreams; still, God can make a way!
So, let me encourage you to Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on what you are able to understand. Look to the Lord and trust him in all circumstance. Acknowledge God as the one with all the power! And then, walk in the ordained steps that God provides for you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Our HOUSE Group has been discussing the topic of faith (through the lenses of Hebrews chapter 11). One participant had a brilliant deduction of the excuses Moses offered to God in his attempt to get out of the call God placed on his life. As you read Exodus chapters 3 and 4 you can see these 5 excuses:
1) Who am I? Moses is saying that he is not worthy of being called. God's answer was that God would be with Him. (Exodus 3:11-12)
2) Who are you? Moses is stating that people are going to question who God is. God's answer is that He is the "I Am!" (Exodus 3:13-22)
3) So What? Moses is using the excuse that people may not believe what He is saying... And that people will question if God really sent him; or even if God really exists. God's answer is that He will provide His presence (in miraculous fashion) as a sign of who He is... even though it takes "faith" to believe (Exodus 4:1-9)
4) I can't! Moses refers to his limitations. God's answer is that He is the creator, and He is the one with all of the power, and He will go with Moses. (Exodus 4:10-12)
5) Send someone else! Moses asks God to send someone else... God's answer is that Moses would not be alone, but he has been called. And the only obedient response is to GO!

We can all creatively have excuses to avoid serving. We think of ways to avoid God's call. We think of creative ways to avoid whole heartedly supporting the ministries of the church (even when we are part of that "called" body).
I know life is busy, and our calendars are full. I also know that not everyone will (or should) serve the same way I do.
But, I also know that if God calls you - there is only one action to take. It is not the action of excuses. It is the action of complete OBEDIENCE!

So, let me encourage you to reflect on being obedient to the Lord's call. His perspective is much much bigger than our! And GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Taking Steps

I try to be a man with consistency in my life. That is why I am experiencing some unique feelings.
As I lead HRC I find myself changing leadership style, communications patters, time management practices, and much more.

These changes are necessary as our church is walking in "new territory." However, this "changing" is a definite process. It has been impossible for me to simply turn the page on my leadership style. I am still developing the team to lead in new ways. So, I find myself part leading like in the past, partly leading in new ways, and still working toward leading how I need to lead (at the next level).

I am not sure how easily understood these comments are - but, I am grateful that God is calling me to lead - and to lead HRC where He wants our church to go! So, without concern for perfection I will press on toward the prize and keep my eyes on Jesus. If mistakes are a sign of growth - then I must be well on my way to growth! No BLARING mistakes... but there have been some!

My biggest mistake has been my tendency to lead in my "comfortable" zone, and not to make some changes...

So, I will work more diligently to lead through my leaders - and to equip my leaders to lead and communicate.

WOW! Thanks to God for placing me in a position where I have so much opportunity to grow!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Territory

The past 3 years at HRC I have been talking about "walking in new territory" as a church. It seems as though we are! The interesting thing is that my expectations of this exploration of new territory are true. Not always easy or fun; but true.

As we walk in God's many blessings I find myself not aware yet of the fruitful parts of the land in this new territory. I am not intimate with the pitfalls and thorns on the land. In fact, it is as if I have stumbled a time or two navigating this new territory. However, I am one to get up, dust myself off, and continue to explore.

I believe that this "new territory" is the place that God is bringing our church. Thanks for giving me the grace to lead while muddling into new territory.

I promise you that if you continue to give me the grace to lead in new territory that I will give all of my energy to lead HRC where God wants us to go!

So, the days we are in are exciting. Not always the easiest... but, that really is OK with me. I love walking in obedience to God's plans!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

God will provide

I have a friend who is a missionary in East St. Louis who has been quoted in saying, "If it is God's will - it is His bill; and if He sends it - we will spend it."

This statement is really about following God's leading - while knowing that God will provide for His call on our lives.

There are great days ahead for Harvest Ridge Church. Many of the things in store for us will cost a great deal of money. In light of my friends statement (which I regularly use) I thought of a statement that people say: "Money doesn't grow on trees." The irony of it all is that money does grow on trees (paper). And God is the one who made those trees.

Yet, another illustration that everything belongs to God. Remember that we are stewards of what belongs to Him... God has simply entrusted us with resources: time, talent, and treasure. And we all know the words of Scripture that teach us that our treasure is where our heart is...

So, the point of this blog is to encourage you to follow the dreams and visions God has provided for you! Remember that not only does money grow on trees, but God made the trees! Remember that no road block, no circumstance - nothing... can keep you from doing great exploits for God - because He is our source of strength, our provision, our God!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ibelong is the title of this Sunday's (upcoming) sermon. I am so excited that Harvest Ridge Church (HRC) truly has a place for everyone! No matter your age, experience, geography, marital status, economic situation, ethnicity, background, or any other identifier - there is a place for you at Harvest Ridge Church.
I am grateful to the Lord for providing HRC as a place where people can belong. Our church has membership - but it is not all about "membership." HRC is about PEOPLE. We are PEOPLE who love God, and serve other people.
I am also grateful that we continue to learn that none of us are any "better" than anyone else. Isn't it amazing that people are so human? and we are all people...
As I just typed that statement I assure you that HRC is one of those "safe places" where people are genuine - and where we can belong.
We all need a place to love and care for others... and we all need a place to be loved and cared for by others... and that place for me is HRC!
So... thanks for letting me belong with you... and thanks for belonging with me!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

in awe

Have you ever been in awe as to what God does in your life? This past month has proven to be one month that has brought me to me knees in prayer. There have been some things heavy on my heart regarding Harvest Ridge Church, and some people in my life. As I committed to pray about such things I have been re-energized in my walk with the Lord! I have not been separated from Him at all... but, in these past 2 weeks I have had some intense "intimate" time with Jesus.

Through this intimate time I have cried out to God regarding the desires of my heart (that He has given me). And I must say, God seems to be providing some pretty awesome things. I look forward to being able to share some things at the right time with all of you! But, let me attest to the fact that when we invest our time with the Lord He has a way of being with us in evident ways! God's provision is awesome!

So, let me encourage you to spend time with God. Listen to His Voice. Claim His promises. And WALK IN FAITH!

Monday, January 26, 2009


We have an opportunity before us. This coming Sunday is an unofficial American Holiday - Superbowl Sunday. I would like to offer you some suggestions on how to take advantage of this day as an opportunity:
1) Before the Game.
Before the game is a great opportunity to invite someone to church with you. Since you will be spending time with people in the evening while watching the big game (or just eating and hanging out...), this is a great opportunity to invite some friends to join you in worship before the big game.

2) The Game.
Join is your church Superbowl party. HRC is having an all church party. Some churches are having parties in their small groups... The point is to go to a party - football fan or not. And... WOW! What an opportunity to bring along a friend or neighbor to a Superbowl Party. This is a great opportunity for your church friends and your non-church friends to interact...

3) What no to do.
Do not have your own private viewing or private party. As a football fan, this can be a temptation - since we really want to see the big game. However, a private viewing results in no interaction with others. An, we would miss an opportunity to develop community among believers... and would miss an opportunity to begin or develop a relationship with someone who does not normally worship with you.

So, please consider Superbowl Sunday as an opportunity to reach out to those who are around you. Notice that this is one of the strategies for ministry at HRC - to reach out. So, enjoy the game and fulfill your God-given purpose.
Come and have a great time, eat some good food!!!

For more info about HRC's Superbowl party, please feel free to comment to this posting with a request for more info, and I will be sure to contact you!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am sharing more comments on this topic in order to make an investment in "you" friends who read my blog. There has been much discussion and interaction between many people (through facebook, email, this blog, and in times of gathering) about God's blessings.
Yes, we celebrate giving away a van, large amounts of coats (through Agape Partners), financially assisting people, experiencing spiritual growth...
But, this "spiritual life" we live takes commitment and determination. I recently poster (A SERIOUS COMMITMENT) my thoughts around acting on our commitment to the Lord. I recommended that before your facebook and email time... that you spend some time with the Lord... And there is an entire blog post (HAPPY 2009) to offer some tips on spending time with the Lord.
There has been less interaction and discussion upon my thoughts to pray first, and facebook and email second... My other suggestion was to write out some goals...
So, let me pause once more to encourage you to take your life long commitment to the Lord seriously! Make an eternal investment! The Lord's desire is for you to know Him! To walk in His provision and blessing. His desire is for you to live a fulfilled and fruitful life. His desire is that your faith does not waiver like the sea when things are difficult.
So, we must spend time with the Lord! We must know Him!

Friday, January 9, 2009


This blog post is related to my most recent posting... I believe it is a serious commitment to develop a devotional life. In my last blog posting I referred to developing a strategy to fulfill your commitment to develop a devotional life. This is so important... But, part of a strategy includes being prepared...
Preparing to develop a successful devotional life will include prioritizing. May I suggest the following:
1) Before you email and facebook - make it your priority to read the Bible (and or spend a few minutes in prayer). You may want to log your email, facebook activity, and Bible reading to see a clear picture of how you are spending your time. This will help you recognize if you are living out your priorities...
2) Another step of preparation includes writing (or typing) your priorities. I can't tell you what your priorities are... But, I can encourage you with this helpful hint to help you execute your priorities.

Let me know how it is going! Let me know what God is doing in your life!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

HAPPY 2009

I wanted to take a few minutes and encourage those who read this blog. 2009 brings opportunity. Opportunity to prioritize your relationship with Jesus! It is time to develop your devotional life. A devotional life is the part of you life that is designated as "you and God time."
Here are some helpful hints for developing or improving your devotional life:

1) set aside a time to spend with God.
This is most helpful. Because if it is not scheduled, it will be easy for you to keep making your time with God a lower priority.

2) Designate a place for your devotional time.
The place may change due to your schedule... although is it helpful if you only have 1 or 2 main places for this... I can talk more to this subject upon request. But, the designated place is another tool for you to succeed in developing a devotional life.

3) Choose a strategy for your devotional time.
- This includes a time frame (how long you want to spend with God; and how often - ex. 5 days a week...)
- This includes a method (prayer, Bible reading, journaling, devotional book, etc...) I can also speak more to this topic upon request.

4) Find an accountability partner.
This by far is the most scary and most difficult. But, it is by far one of the most effective ways to develop a devotional life. This accountability partner can be there to just receive update as to whether or not you are meeting your goals. Or you may develop a rather intimate relationship with this person. The choice is yours... But, you need to utilize this tool! AGAIN - I can speak more to this topic of choosing an accountability partner upon request...

I hope this help some of you. Please feel free to comment, and to let me know if this blog was beneficial. And, let me know how your devotional lives are going!