Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ibelong is the title of this Sunday's (upcoming) sermon. I am so excited that Harvest Ridge Church (HRC) truly has a place for everyone! No matter your age, experience, geography, marital status, economic situation, ethnicity, background, or any other identifier - there is a place for you at Harvest Ridge Church.
I am grateful to the Lord for providing HRC as a place where people can belong. Our church has membership - but it is not all about "membership." HRC is about PEOPLE. We are PEOPLE who love God, and serve other people.
I am also grateful that we continue to learn that none of us are any "better" than anyone else. Isn't it amazing that people are so human? and we are all people...
As I just typed that statement I assure you that HRC is one of those "safe places" where people are genuine - and where we can belong.
We all need a place to love and care for others... and we all need a place to be loved and cared for by others... and that place for me is HRC!
So... thanks for letting me belong with you... and thanks for belonging with me!

1 comment:

S-Minister said...

hm...this just might sum up why Michelle and I have chosen to make HRC our home. Over nearly four years, we've really been able to watch you "practice what you preach". In a world where truth has become relative, we admire the desire you exhibit to live a life that is a reflection of Christ. We appreciate that you share with us the struggles you go through as you follow Him. We are excited to serve alongside you to make a difference for the Kingdom in our community. We are grateful to have found a place where we belong.