Thursday, July 30, 2009


In Scripture we read about a description of believers. This description is... LIGHT.

Light is a noun... and a verb (an action word)... And, as we are light in a "dark" world (of sin)... our lives become what sheds the truth, hope, and freedom that is found in Christ.

REMEMBER: If you are light... then your life is exposed. Don't let an exposed life deter you from being light in a dark world filled with sin.

Let the fact that an exposed life will keep you accountable to flee from sin! Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you!

So, fulfill one of your Biblical purposes... and BE LIGHT!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Message Response

As promised... here is my blog about the response to Sunday's message.

3 step response:
1) Prayer
2) Share
3) Take Care

The Prayer response was initiated yesterday. As you responded to the message, there was an opportunity to respond through prayer (up in front of the church... at the altar). If you did not respond this way on Sunday... or you have the desire to respond to God as He prompts you life... it starts with PRAYER.

The Share response helps to Solidify your action. The share response is your act of sharing your prayer commitment with someone else. As the Bible teaches... we are overcomers by the blood of the lamb (through Jesus) and through the word of our testimony...

The share response also provides an opportunity for accountability if you are serious. You can share your response with someone... and be accountable to them to carry out your response.

The Take Care response is your action of living out your response. During this part of your response you will write out an action plan. This plan will include habit changes, behavioral changes, attitude changes and more. For example, if God has provided freedom to you from a bad habit... then your action plan may include replacing that habit with a more productive habit.

I hope this helps you respond to God's movement in your life!