Monday, August 16, 2010

Seeking God's will

There are times in our lives when we find ourselves seeking the Lord's will. Let me encourage you that God is in control! Proverbs says:

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21)

Yes, we should seek God's will in everything we do. More importantly, we should seek to follow God in all we do. We should pursue God - to know Him!

As we live our lives, we formulate plans and develop desires. Even though we want what is best... we still make "our own plans." This proverb reveals the truth that God's purpose will be accomplished. So, don't search for the details of God's plans for your life... Seek His purposes!

And trust Him... He is in control!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When it rains...

I have heard the phrase "When it rains, it pours" a countless number of times. I have even used this phrase. This phrase is usually shared from a negative perspective. But, think about it... rain helps things grow. Rain helps to produce and sustain life. I have prayed for God to let His presence "rain" on me.

Maybe that should be our prayer... for His presence and power to "rain" on us. This would bring excitement to the phrase "When it rains it pours."

Could you imagine if God's presence was in your life like a powerful rain storm? The pouring rain saturates the ground. Oh, that God's presence and power would SATURATE my life... helping to sustain me, and to help me grow in Him!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

More than a priority

I am learning that I do not need to prioritize God...

As I was talking with a friend yesterday, I reflected on one of his comments. My friend said that he wanted to make God more of a priority in his life. This comment sparked me to share something with him that I have been considering for some time now.

I am learning that, as believers, we do not need to prioritize God. This type of thinking supports a worldview that we are the ultimate masters of our own lives. We can select who and what will be number one in our lives. I feel that when we grapple with this behavior - we are ultimately struggling with "complete surrender" and "whole-hearted devotion" to the Lord.

God's plan is not such that we strive to put Him in the middle of our lives. God's plan is not meant for us to move Him from #1 priority to #2 priority, to #3 priority, and back to #1 again, etc...

Having no other Gods before Him is the context. The reason God is #1 in our lives is not because He is "our" top priority... But, because we are His! God loved us so much that He GAVE His Son to us as a Savior.

So, rather than God being your top priority... let's realize that God is our PARAMETER. Stop trying to make God the center of your life... and start making your life the center of God's will!

God is our parameter! He is the context for our thought life, our behavior, our speech... our entire lives!
It's ALL about Him! So, don't get stuck making God your priority...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sir, Yes Sir!

Every person on the planet has needs. Whether we recognize it or not - every person has spiritual needs. The need for salvation, the need for spiritual growth, the need for intimacy with God. We have needs of restoration, healing, provision, guidance; and the list goes on.

Last week as I was seeking God I was challenged to consider how I model the pursuit of God. I strive to seek Him first. My goal as I pray is to honor God, and to know Him more. I also bring my requests before the Lord as I approach the throne-room with boldness.

Again - my thought became: "How am I modeling my pursuit of God?" I want to share one of the truths that God settled in my heart.

Often times we pray for God to do things "FOR" us. We pray for Him to offer wisdom, guidance, provision, healing, restoration, etc... This is Biblical to pray for these things!

However, my recommendation is not only to pray that God would work "IN" me (as referred to above); but also "THROUGH" me.

Do not just pray - "Lord, what will you do in me..." But, pray: "LORD, WHAT DO YOU DESIRE TO DO WITH ME."
We are all soldiers in the God's army. It is as if God is giving us marching orders. What are your marching orders from God? What is your assignment?

We have assignments that are general and long lasting. Some of us have assignments that place us in certain geographical locations - and for decades. However, we also have daily "marching orders" (assignments) from the Lord.

What is God doing "WITH" your life - TODAY?

Let's not just strive for fulfillment - strive for OBEDIENCE. And, obedience (through complete surrender) will produce the fulfillment and abundance that only God can offer.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kids flock to minister as well as Easter Bunny at fest

Church's Easter event a hit
Kids flock to minister as well as Easter Bunny at fest

April 4, 2010

SCHERERVILLE -- The Easter Bunny made his annual appearance at the Harvest Ridge Church's ninth annual Easter Fun Fest at the St. John Township Community Center, but 8-year-old Ricky Paz had more important people on which to bestow his admiration.
Ricky, at the Saturday celebration with Mom Julie and brother, Tony, 4, waited for the Rev. Michael Smith to finish emceeing the affair, then marched right up to him to let him know that Smith is "the funniest man" he knows.
"I came here to see Pastor Mike and have a fun time," Ricky said, gripping raffle tickets as if they were gold. "I won three Easter baskets at other things. Not here, but I didn't really care."
Smith smiled at Ricky's compliment, happy he got the young man's attention but happier the event was still so packed. Close to 800 people passed through the center for games, visiting with the rabbit and finding out a little more about his church.
"This event exposes the community to our church and broadcasts our core values," Smith said. "This is a great opportunity for families to get together.
"Plus, it's a free community event for everyone."
Even those who belong to other churches, like Nathan Stevens, 12, of Schererville. Nathan also sought out Smith, only he wanted to find out about his winnings after he won the cup-stacking game.
Cup-stacking, where players stack a group of plastic cups in various patterns as fast as they can, was a new event added to this year's fest, along with Rascal the RailCat and a visit from Schererville's Police, Fire and Emergency Services Departments, Smith said.
"My mom goes to (another program held at the center during the week), and she heard that there was going to be a stacking contest," Nathan explained. "I won three different times."
Harvest Ridge Church currently holds Sunday services at the Community Center but is working on building its church on 10 acres it owns in town, Smith said.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

HOLY WEEK Devotion

Here is the devotional for HOLY WEEK!

The Passion Week…

Sunday: The Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:29-44)
Monday: Jesus curses the fig tree (Matthew 21:18-19)
Jesus cleanses the temple (Matthew. 21:12-13)
Tuesday: Jesus’ authority questioned (Luke 20:1-8)
Jesus teaches in the temple (Luke 20:9-21:4)
Jesus anointed (Matthew 26:6-13)
Wednesday: The plot against Jesus (Luke 22:3-6)
Thursday: The Last Supper (Luke 22:7-20)
Jesus comforts his disciples (John 14:1-16:33)
Gethsemane (Luke 22:40-46)
Thursday / Friday: Jesus’ arrest and trial (Luke 22:47-23:25)
Friday: The crucifixion (Luke 23:26-49)
Jesus’ burial (Luke 23:50-56)
Sunday: The tomb is empty: JESUS IS ALIVE! (Luke 24:1-12)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am in over my head...

I am in over my head...

I have just completed a sermon series entitle "SATURATE." The result of this sermon series is that it has enabled me to be in over my head. What am I talking about? I have chosen to submit to the Lord, and His power, anointing, and leading at a deeper level.

Using Ezekiel 47, and the illustration of the river: I recognize that there are people who have been on the banks of the river just watching. I have noticed others who are wading in the water - and getting their feet wet regarding the things of God. There are others who are knee deep in it all... and it is no secret that they are followers of Jesus Christ!

Yet, there are others who are waste deep. It is at this level that the river of God starts to really take control. Unaware, I was at this level. I was allowing the river of God to move me... yet, the shore was in still sight! I could swim to the banks of self reliance if I so chose. I could dig my feet into the river's floor and try to stand on my own strength.

During this "SATURATE" sermon series God has directed me to go deeper into His presence. I now feel like I am "in over my head."

I no longer have control of the situations I am in. The church I pastor belongs to God! I am but a steward of HIS church as I shepherd HIS flock!

I am drowning in his presence!

I have already invested more time in prayer this week (and it is only Tuesday) than any week so far in 2010. I am SEEKING HIM!!! I feel like the river of God is in total control of my life! The river of His presence and power will take me where I need to go. I am at the mercy of God!

I love being in His presence! I love being in His will! Lord - give me the strength to continue to obey your leading; to be faithful to your calling; and to fulfill YOUR desires for my life!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It really matters

Being a man who is spending my life to "Develop Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ" I always get so excited to hear about how people are growing "spiritually."

Well, 2009 is now long gone. So much so, that we now have stories of what God has done for us (and others) in 2010. I would love to hear from some of you about what God is doing in your life!

I was asked the question today, "What is God doing in your personal life?" I was able to share about some of my personal growth plan, what God is doing in my family, and my opportunities to personally disciple several people. I am also enjoying reading through the Bible this year!

Through my private prayer time, God has really been speaking to me on how to lead Harvest Ridge Church to grow... and we have seen results in 2010! We have seen many people seek God at our altar on Sunday mornings. We have seen people rededicate their lives to God, and we have seen people connect with H.O.U.S.E. Groups. God is truly moving!

PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS BLOG, AND LET ME KNOW WHAT GOD IS CURRENTLY DOING IN YOUR LIFE (since January 1, 2010). I look forward to this opportunity for you to encourage others by sharing how you are developing as a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God is better than...

As a follower of Jesus Christ, there is a long list of things that you could probably make... and God would be better than everything on that list.
God is better than money, God is better than a position, God is better than life itself!

But, I was reminded particularly today that God is better than my morning cup of coffee.

I love to read the Bible with my morning coffee. I love to walk around and pray with that travel mug of coffee in my hand!

However, this morning was different! At 6:30am I started a one hour session with God. I got involved with Him prior to making my morning coffee. My time with the Lord this morning was especially personal!

After my one hour with God I headed to my weekly Men's Discipleship Group (at Panera Bread). Where I had that morning cup of coffee. We had a great discussion... and time of accountability.

I was so grateful this today that God really is better - better than everything! Thank you Jesus for the joy I experienced this morning as I lived out the truth that you are truly better than my morning coffee.

Let me encourage you to put God first... even before coffee!

Spend time with Jesus before you get involved with your day. Spend time with Him before reading the morning paper, checking your email, looking at your phone, or going on facebook. PRACTICALLY... PUT GOD FIRST!