Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Fasting and prayer is life changing. I have heard many stories from people at Harvest Ridge Church who participated in last weeks all church Wednesday fast. Even though there were answered prayers... my favorite news about the fast was common... People shared with me how they felt so "close" to the Lord after the fast. Wednesday and Thursday proved to be great days in the presence of the Lord!

Let me encourage all of you to fast and pray tomorrow (5/13) as well. Seek the Lord, and be close to Him. Listen to hear His voice... and respond with immediate and complete obedience!

If you are unsure of What God is saying to you in a time of prayer and fasting... let me encourage you to continue in your prayer and fasting. Your immediate and complete obedience should take place AFTER you hear from God. Often times God will lead you in a different way than you first expect... But, it is always what is "best" for you!


S-Minister said...

Until last Wednesday, it had been a loooong time since I'd invested a whole day in fasting and prayer. I distinctly remember telling God early that morning that I really needed His help getting through the day because it had been so long. His immediate response? "Yeah...maybe we can change that going forward?"

I'm in! Last Wednesday, God revealed to me how important it is for me to be diligent in setting time aside for a "sabbath rest"...part because the body needs rest and part to exercise discipline and self control.

AND...I'm looking forward to continuing with fasting in some form once we get through our weeklong fast in June.

Anonymous said...

My first 24 hour fast was very difficult. My body and mind were screaming at me to eat. My energy level as very low and I had trouble concentrating. The temptation was pretty great. So I spent a lot of time praying for strength to get through it. I purposes in my heart and mind that I was not going to give in and I was going to rely totaly on God. It worked and the second time around it was still difficult but different. Has it brought me closer to God? I believe so.

Pastor Mike said...

thanks for the commitment to fast and pray. God is really working in our congregation!