Thursday, May 7, 2009

Living On Purpose

You often hear things said like, "God has a plan for your life" and "You have been designed for a purpose."
These statements are true. And I would like to share my heart about these and similar statement.

When I utter these statement, it is not a ploy to get people to do things at the church that need to be done. It is more of an encouragement to the church (of which YOU are a part of) to live on purpose.
If you were designed on purpose, may I suggest that you get rid of the things that distract you from walking in your purpose. Your time management is a reflection on how you prioritize the purpose of your life.

If you are watching 2.5 hours of TV a day, surfing the net 2.5 hours a day, and working a job... you may not be fulfilling your purpose.
But, if you are spending your time fulfilling your purpose - whether it is at work, in the neighborhood, or wherever you would be... then you will be more fulfilled in life. Life is not about SURVIVAL - it is about LIVING OP PURPOSE!
One example of this for me is this blog. I write this blog to encourage and challenge people who are in my life. Even though I am on the internet... my time spent is productive.

So, let me encourage you to be productive with your time.

Time is a tool that we hold in our hands that enables us to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. How will you use this the tool of time?

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