Monday, January 5, 2009

HAPPY 2009

I wanted to take a few minutes and encourage those who read this blog. 2009 brings opportunity. Opportunity to prioritize your relationship with Jesus! It is time to develop your devotional life. A devotional life is the part of you life that is designated as "you and God time."
Here are some helpful hints for developing or improving your devotional life:

1) set aside a time to spend with God.
This is most helpful. Because if it is not scheduled, it will be easy for you to keep making your time with God a lower priority.

2) Designate a place for your devotional time.
The place may change due to your schedule... although is it helpful if you only have 1 or 2 main places for this... I can talk more to this subject upon request. But, the designated place is another tool for you to succeed in developing a devotional life.

3) Choose a strategy for your devotional time.
- This includes a time frame (how long you want to spend with God; and how often - ex. 5 days a week...)
- This includes a method (prayer, Bible reading, journaling, devotional book, etc...) I can also speak more to this topic upon request.

4) Find an accountability partner.
This by far is the most scary and most difficult. But, it is by far one of the most effective ways to develop a devotional life. This accountability partner can be there to just receive update as to whether or not you are meeting your goals. Or you may develop a rather intimate relationship with this person. The choice is yours... But, you need to utilize this tool! AGAIN - I can speak more to this topic of choosing an accountability partner upon request...

I hope this help some of you. Please feel free to comment, and to let me know if this blog was beneficial. And, let me know how your devotional lives are going!


S-Minister said...

This post is a good reminder as we start the new year. Thanks. I know as I think about what I want my devotional life to look like this year, this is a good framework to use. I might try some journaling this year.

I would definitely have to say that having an accountability partner has been good for me. It is kind of scary thinking about opening up to someone else about what my private time looks like, but it's more scary to me to let my time with God slip, allowing the enemy to have a better chance at getting to me.

Pastor Mike said...

Richard... This post is for you. Thanks for your comments in response to this blog that you posted on the Harvest Ridge Church facebook site! You are a real encouragement to me!!!