Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Our HOUSE Group has been discussing the topic of faith (through the lenses of Hebrews chapter 11). One participant had a brilliant deduction of the excuses Moses offered to God in his attempt to get out of the call God placed on his life. As you read Exodus chapters 3 and 4 you can see these 5 excuses:
1) Who am I? Moses is saying that he is not worthy of being called. God's answer was that God would be with Him. (Exodus 3:11-12)
2) Who are you? Moses is stating that people are going to question who God is. God's answer is that He is the "I Am!" (Exodus 3:13-22)
3) So What? Moses is using the excuse that people may not believe what He is saying... And that people will question if God really sent him; or even if God really exists. God's answer is that He will provide His presence (in miraculous fashion) as a sign of who He is... even though it takes "faith" to believe (Exodus 4:1-9)
4) I can't! Moses refers to his limitations. God's answer is that He is the creator, and He is the one with all of the power, and He will go with Moses. (Exodus 4:10-12)
5) Send someone else! Moses asks God to send someone else... God's answer is that Moses would not be alone, but he has been called. And the only obedient response is to GO!

We can all creatively have excuses to avoid serving. We think of ways to avoid God's call. We think of creative ways to avoid whole heartedly supporting the ministries of the church (even when we are part of that "called" body).
I know life is busy, and our calendars are full. I also know that not everyone will (or should) serve the same way I do.
But, I also know that if God calls you - there is only one action to take. It is not the action of excuses. It is the action of complete OBEDIENCE!

So, let me encourage you to reflect on being obedient to the Lord's call. His perspective is much much bigger than our! And GOD IS IN CONTROL!

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