Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Sunday (April19) I began a 3 week sermon series entitled "FOCUS." I have had several responses from people regarding Sunday's sermon. There is excitement in the air... and I am eager to share with you the other 2 sermons in this series... (for more info - visit www.harvestridgechurch.com).

God has a desire that we live a focused life - remembering what life is about: Glorifying God and serving people. That is why at Harvest Ridge Church we strive to "Develop Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ."

As we learned on Sunday - one of the ways we stay focused is through the commitment of prayer! I hope that this week YOU are in prayer. Are you asking? Are you seeking? Are you knocking?

I look forward to hearing what you have to say about how you are being more focused through prayer!!!

1 comment:

Pastor Mike said...

What do you all think about the difference between being part of the crwod - and being a follower?